Jenkins : Bitbucket Server integration plugin for Jenkins

You can see the current status of the Jenkins service using the systemctl status jenkins command. These measures have been implemented by CenturyLink to protect, directly or indirectly, the confidentiality, integrity and availability of Customer Data. Lumen is committed to the protection and careful management of all customer data. Learn more about Lumen’s commitment to GDPR compliance.

  • Groups pick Bitbucket on the grounds that it has a prevalent Jira reconciliation, works in CI/CD, and is free for up to 5 clients.
  • At moment I’m trying to create connection from jenkins to my bitbucket repository, using the git plugin that I’ve installed in jenkins.
  • After a moment, your Jenkins instance will appear in the list of linked applications.
  • We do that in the Build trigger section in the configure job page.

I am using the free web version for this writeup. However, I have tested this first on an on-premise Bitbucket Server instance. Webhooks are more efficient than a regular Jenkins pipeline since it is triggered only in case of a change instead of a periodic poll/scan by Jenkins.


You can use them to display text, links, images, HTML, or a combination of these. In the Token field enter the app password you created before. In the Variable enter the name of the variable as branch.

bitbucket jenkins integration

After the push into the Bitbucket repository, the job is triggered. We make a change in our source code (previously cloned from the repository) within a local environment by a new HTML paragraph tag. We now have to make the proper changes in order to enable the hooks from the Bitbucket repository. We want to automate project build using a Parametrised Jenkins Pipeline of the source code stored in Bitbucket Server. For instructions on linking with Jenkins, see the documentation for the Bitbucket Server integration plugin for Jenkins on

thoughts on “Bitbucket integration with Jenkins”

See the Installing and Configuring your Jenkins plugins section below to set up your Jenkins plugins before going through the tutorial. In the Expression field enter the branch name to match the key ref as shown below. In the Variable enter the name of the variable as repository. In the Expression enter $.push.changes[0] to match the key and choose the JSONPath format of payload. Login to your Jenkins installation and go you your job and click configure. Log in to your Bitbucket account and go to your main repository.

To create an OAuth consumer, you first need to get an OAuth consumer key/secret from Bitbucket. Installing Jenkins
Jenkins can be installed through native system packages, Docker, or can even run standalone in any machine with a Java Runtime Environment (JRE) installed. As for now, we are installing Jenkins on a bare Ubuntu system. For means of simplicity we decided to use the plugins combination that you saw above, but there are some other ways to integrate Bitbucket and Jenkins.

“Take any open source project — its contributors cut across national, religious…

Here we download for windows and it shows the complete installation as shown in the following screenshot as follows. This is an easy way to connect Jenkins with the server as per our requirement or we can say that it is a straightforward way. After that, we need to create the key pair of SSH keys and with help of this key pair, we can archive on Bitbucket.

Programmed webhook creation in a Bitbucket Server repo when a Jenkins work is saved. Fast determination of the Server projects and repos for Jenkins work through a dropdown. Now we need to copy the public key from Bitbucket login and go to the setting inside the setting we have Webhooks bitbucket jenkins integration and add the webhook. Installing suggested plugins or selecting specific plugins for Jenkins
As a beginner, you can go with the ‘Install suggested plugins’ option. But if you know which plugins are required by you, then you can go with the ‘Select plugins to install’ option.

Bitbucket Server Integration

In the past, I have played around with it using ngrok and python flask “servers.” This article summarizes my experience trying it out on Jenkins in AWS. Webhooks are just “user-defined HTTP callbacks”  which are triggered by some events in the repo such as push, merge, etc. In our case, webhooks will trigger our Jenkins job in case of any push and merge in our repo. The integration of Jenkins supports the Pipeline, Multibracnch, and other projects. It makes a secure connection in Jenkin for cloning from the Server.

bitbucket jenkins integration

There are additional steps here since I am setting it up on a fresh EC2 instance. SonarScanners need access to a Pull Request’s target branch to detect code changes in the Pull Request. In the Text field enter the variable name you assigned before as $branch $repository. In the Expression enter $ to match the key and choose the JSONPath format of payload.

Web-application: Jenkins FreeStyle Project – AWS, Git, Maven, Tomcat

Jenkins works with Jmeter script and executes the Jenkins with valid credentials with the primary key. Now add the server to Jenkins to make it more easy and straightforward with help of Bitbucket features. First, we need to login into Jenkin Server and after that, we need to follow the steps as follows. We realize that numerous clients utilize Jenkins and it is unimaginably significant and its incorporation with the Server is a vital piece of their improvement work process. Tragically, we likewise realize that coordinating Bitbucket Server with Jenkins was consistently difficult – it might have required various modules and impressive time. That is the reason recently they are embarked to change this.

bitbucket jenkins integration

If you have feedback feel free to leave a comment on this Atlassian Community blog post. You can also raise any issues on using the component atlassian-bitbucket-server-integration-plugin. Head there to see what issues have been created, or create a new issue using the component atlassian-bitbucket-server-integration-plugin. For Bitbucket Server and GitHub, under Discover pull requests from origin, make sure The current pull request revision is selected.

Running Jenkins with the plugin enabled

Once the change (the feature) is done we make the commit in our local repository and the push is made into the remote Bitbucket repository. With Bitbucket Jenkins, you can quickly deploy a project without additional tools. This is an excellent opportunity to optimize enterprise development.

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